Sexual sin is the greatest destroyer of destiny. Through it, nations had been destroyed, homes scattered, good plans and purpose rendered us...

Sexual sin is the greatest destroyer of destiny. Through it, nations had been destroyed, homes scattered, good plans and purpose rendered useless. So If your refusal to have sex with your intending spouse is the reason why the relationship will not work, let it be!

Anyone that genuinely loves you and wants a lasting and enduring relationship with you will not make sex a precondition or the determinant factor.

Don't mortgage your future because of a momentary pleasure. Don't compromise your glory and dignity. Stop all forms of ungodly smartness. Anything that makes you sin against God and your glorious destiny doesn't worth it. Save your head and future from shame and destruction!

 The irony of the whole evil is that even with sex, an unserious, unstable and morally weak man or woman will still let you down! So WHY FOOL YOURSELF!

A word is enough for the wise!

May You Not Fall In Love And Fall Into Trouble In Jesus Name!